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Some Most Expensive Birthday Gifts

Blue diamond Cost 7.98 million dollarsFrozen Haute Chocolate Dessert cost 25,000 dollarsDiva Premium vodka spirit cost 1,060,000 dollarsEarrings cost 8.5 million dollarsEco-House cost 7.2 MN poundsExpensive Apartment Cost 200 million dollarsExpensive diamond Sandals cost 2mn dollarsGold-remote control Cost 55,000. DollarsMost expensive Lipstick KissKiss cost 62,000 dollarsMost Expensive Sari Costs Rs 40 lakhMost expensive omelet cost 100 dollars...

Cool Stunning Typography Portraits of Celebrities


Bengal Tigers Make a Splash at The Out of Africa Wildlife Park in Arizona

Bengal tigers make a splash at the Out of Africa Wildlife Park in Arizona These incredible pictures show fearsome 47-stone tigers splashing around with their keepers As a man stands neck-deep in water a huge Bengal tiger leaps into the air above him with claws outstretched and jaws open Luckily for this keeper he has nothing to fear as the only thing on the tiger's mind is catching his favourite toy The...