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Milagros Cerron known as Girl Mermaid

Milagros Cerron known worldwide as "girl-mermaid". This girl was born with fused legsgrown together everything: muscle, bone and artery. Milagros over the past 5 years has experienced three complicated operations ...Now she is already six years old and it runs on two legs like all normal childr...

Magic Lamp Studio Job and Pieke Bergmans

Dutch artists of Studio Job, in collaboration with the German designer Pieke Bergmans created a series of seven original bronze lamp called Wonderlamps. Blown glass blowers lamps, made in the form of the torch, pipes, pots, lamps, Aladdin, ambient light bulbs and fluorescent lam...

Asia's 25 Very Famous Places to Remember‏

 Gujarat, IndiaThe nation’s largest producer of cotton and salt, Gujarat is the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi. In 2005 and 2006 heavy monsoons caused severe flooding, killing more than 1,000 people and devastating both infrastructure and agriculture. Climate change is expected to lead to increasingly unpredictable monsoon rains and floods.Maladives, Indian OceanFamous for its 1,200 tropical islands, snow-white beaches, swaying palm trees,...