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Strange Religious Spiritual Cure

 A Strange Collection of Religious Spiritual Cure in the wo...

10 Celebrity Backed Startups

A brand-name celebrity's endorsement may not guarantee success for a new business. Then again, it sure doesn't hurt. Here are 10 startups with real star power behind them.Consiglieri Steve Nash The future Hall of Fame point guard knows how to diversify his portfolio. Besides his production company, sports club and charitable foundation, Nash announced in August he is now aiming to launch Consiglieri, a marketing consultancy and venture capital...

Real Haunted Houses in America

America is full of houses in which pain and suffering occurred and thus, some say, full of places that are haunted by the victims of that suffering. A look at some of the most famous "real" haunted houses would seem to give credence to that notion.It's not clear whether ghosts choose to appear only to those who believe in them -- or not. But should you happen to visit one of these houses and run into a ghost, be sure to be polite. Hull HouseLocation:...

Amazing Canned Food Sculptures

Annual International 'Canstruction' Food Drive Returns The annual international charity competition known as ‘Canstruction’ has returned and it is bigger and better than ever. The Canstruction food drive aims to raise hunger awareness during Thanksgiving. Founded in the U.S. in 1992, the Canstruction food drive has spread to over 170 cities around the world and boasts 30,000 volunteers and millions of pounds of donated food.These awe-inspiring structures...

3D Projections on Buildings

Companies like NuFormer and Macula are creating unique art installations by projecting videos onto buildings. This post showcases their best projects.Madrid, Spain Madrid, Spain3D projection by NuFormer turned the facade of the building into a giant soccer themed pinball machine.Prague, Czech RepublicCool video presentation by Macula during 600 year anniversary of the astrological tower clock at Old Town Square in Prague.The 600 Years from the...

10 Most Uncomfortable Celeb Moments

Celebrities have been put on this earth to entertain us. But sometimes their attempts go painfully awry. We're counting down the ten most uncomfortable examples.10. Miley Cyrus Gives Director Adam Shankman a Lap DanceR. Kelly may have seen nothing wrong with a little 9. Kristen Stewart drops her MTV Movie AwardKristen is the Queen of Gawkiness, so it'd be a travesty if she didn't make this list. But how could we possibly choose just one K.Stew...