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Famous Celebrities December Birthdays

Find out which stars and other notables were born in the month of December.Woody AllenDecember 1His career in film production began in the 1960s with a movie about a playboy and a psychoanalyst, and he’s working on a new film that stars Owen Wilson and Rachel McAdams. He’s also an accomplished musician.Britney SpearsDecember 2She burst onto the scene in the late ‘90s as a tempestuous teen with a hit single. With which pop singer did she have a romance?Ozzy...

Top 12 TV's Biggest Turkeys

In an industry propped up by hits, the programming landscape is typically dominated by misses. Roughly 80% of all new shows fail; about a third of this year's freshman crop won't even make it past January. Figures like these have driven many to question network television's costly model, but none to actually alter it. And so it goes, another season of turkeys, as we've affectionately dubbed the shows that have already gotten the ax or are dangerously...

Top 15 Biggest Pop Culture Turkeys

When most people think turkey, they think of the North American gallinaceous bird we chow down on for Thanksgiving. But here at Wonderwall, turkey reminds us of people like Christina Aguilera and Ben Affleck. Why? 'Cause their major career flops are unforgettable. So in celebration of the upcoming holiday, we're counting down the biggest pop culture turkeys. Gobble gobble!15. Christina Aguilera, "Bionic"After 2006's Grammy-winning "Back to Basics,"...