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Celebrity plastic surgery

Celebrity plastic surgeryCelebrity plastic surgery. Secrecy and subtlety are no longer hallmarks of plastic surgery, especially for some augmentation extremists. The billion-dollar industry has yielded some notable and notorious celebrity makeovers. Joan RiversThe image-conscious comedian skewered an eye-catching actress for years, but now she's her own punch line.Lisa RinnaThe former daytime soap opera star relocated her sudsy pedigree to a...

Dumb criminal moves

Dumb criminal movesThe latest roundup of criminally inane outlaws will leave you shaking your head and breathing a deep sighTake a look at these unusual suspects you’ll find everything from alleged rock robbers to ashes addicts to misdialing miscreants. Dressed to transgressThis Indiana man opted to protect his identity when he allegedly attacked his former roommate with a sword. See his version of a mask. What’s the best way to break into a...

Alleged celebrity murder plots

Alleged celebrity murder plotsAlleged celebrity murder plots. Celebrity status may have its perks, but dealing with attempted murder is not one of them. This British soul singer recently found out first hand. See which stars have survived plots against their life.Joss StoneBritish soul singer Joss Stone may have recently escaped robbery and possible death when police arrested two men outside of her English country home in an alleged murder plot....

Cult classic movies

Cult classic moviesCult classic movies. Despite never gaining mainstream fame, some films have achieved cult status and enduring loyalty – inspiring midnight showings, festivals and sing-alongs. Twenty-five years after the release of "Labyrinth," we take a then-and-now look at the actors who helped these films earn their place in history.Howard the DuckThe 1986 comedy science-fiction film was based on a Marvel comic book and focuses on an alien anthropomorphic...

Celebrity Recipes

Celebrity RecipesCelebrity recipes.Celebrities are cooking these days, or at least promoting the unseen image of themselves in an apron. Actually, only Coolio and Gwyneth Paltrow have posed in an apron. Check out these recipes from the stars, and try making one.Bill ClintonHis famous appetite has inspired several diet campaigns, such as losing 20 pounds for a monumental event .One of his favorite indulgences is lemon chess pie.Kristen StewartRobert...