Women Who Kick Butt

The ferocious feline temptress is set to live out yet another of her nine lives. Hollywood just announced that a former princess will now revive the whip-wielding role.
 Wonder Woman
This comic book heroine turns 70 this year, and for all that time spent in her "satin tights, fighting for your rights," she's earned her spot as a feminist icon.
She's a marvelously stealthy mutant who can assume anyone's appearance, an advantage that makes her the perfect evil assassin.
If you couldn't guess from her name, this powerful X-Men mutant can manipulate the weather, stopping foes with blizzards and tornadoes. She's also a trailblazer.
Poison Ivy
This villainess takes the whole "green" thing a bit too far. She uses toxins found in plants as ammo.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
This cheerleader-turned-Chosen One went from a camp flick to a seven-season TV show to a book series -- all using only a wooden stake and witty repartee to fight the undead.
Aunty Entity
Tina Turner plays the fiercely attired, merciless ruler of Bartertown in the third installment of this franchise.
Lara Croft
Croft's adventures started with a 1996 video game that set records and exploded onto the movie screen in 2001. She's a brilliant, wealthy, combat-trained archeologist with the body of a model and the perfect braid.
Natasha Fatale
The Pottsylvanian ne'er-do-well and her puny partner were always plotting against this animated duo. To be honest, she's not the most effective spy, but she always looked killer. She went live-action in 1991 and again in 2000.
The newest addition to the female fighter scene is controversial.Well, she's awfully young to be a foul-mouthed vigilante. She became the breakout character in last year's comic-turned-action flick.