Seven high school students in suburban Philadelphia were arrested Monday following the kidnapping and assault of a 14-year-old, a local newspaper reported.
The victim had been hung from a fence post at an apartment complex, Upper Darby Police Superintendent Mike Chitwood was quoted as saying by the Daily Times of Delaware County.
"We're dragging them out in handcuffs," Chitwood said of the suspects as the arrests were happening.
"We want to send home a message that this type of behavior will absolutely not be tolerated," he added. "They hanged this kid from a steel fence. We have the video of them actually hanging this kid from the fence."
The victim did not sustain physical injuries but he did suffer "extreme mental anguish," Chitwood said.
Video of the assault will be released at a press conference at 1 p.m. ET, he added.
The suspects, all 16 or 17 years old, attend the Upper Darby High School.