Viral videos April 2011

Viral videos April 2011

April's best viral videos

Viral videos have been an Internet phenomenon since the original dancing baby.   Worried you missed out on one of the best from this month? Good thing we've been keeping track.

Mel’s hidden talent

When a friend pointed the camera at Mel they found out she had the ability to make almost any animal noise. Freaky, cool or both? You decide!
See others try their skills.

T-Mobile's royal wedding video

From coffee mugs to cell phone commercials,it seems everyone is trying to cash in on the upcoming royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.
It bears a certain similarity to this real-life video of a creative couple’s wedding entrance.

Twin babies have a talk

These twins meet at the fridge for what looks like a serious chinwag. Their parents caught the whole thing on tape.
While we're on the subject of twins, check out this video of two somewhat older ones. And remember this little duo?

Czech leader’s sneaky pen grab

At a diplomatic ceremony with Chile’sleader, Czech President Vaclav Klaus decided to take home a party favor. Cameras caught him in the act.
Chilean government officials say the pen is encrusted with lapis lazuli stone, but that dignitaries are free to take them home.

Oregon lawmakers 'rickroll'

As partisan politics heat up, Oregon state lawmakers decided to ease tensions by mimicking a long-running Internet meme based on Rick Astely’s 1980 hit "Never Gonna Give You Up". It was a bi-partisan speech-editing session, and not on the taxpayers’ dime.
 See more adventures in 'rickrolling.'

Milky Way time lapse

Perched atop a volcano in the Canary Islands a Norwegian landscape photographer captured the stunning lights of the Milky Way. The three-minute video titled "The Mountain," was shot over one week period from the top of Teide Mountain on the island of Tenerife.
Watch more time lapse nature videos.

Mom's laugh scares baby

Five-and-a-half-month-old Emerson fluctuates between horror and humor as his mom blows her nose.
With over 15 million hits, Emerson is the talk of the Web – at least this month.
Another baby video went viral in February.

Freaky flipping skills

The human body can do amazing things, but this Polish gymnast is a flipping wonder.
The explosive tumbling takes flips to an extreme difficulty level, but there are many more examples of tumbling fail.

Toddler rapping

Hip-hop might be aimed at listeners old enough to tie their shoes, but this little boy can rap along to Southern hip-hop artists Waka Flocka in his sleep.

S.F. to Paris in two minutes

Slide 11: S.F. to Paris in two minutes
Imagine traveling from San Francisco to Paris in only two minutes. Photographer Nate Bolt reduced his ten-and-a-half hour, 5500-mile flight into two minutes using time-lapse photos taken from a window seat.
Passengers aboard the Air France flight must have been a little annoyed with the constant click of the camera. How often did he shoot?  

Tickled penguin

The Cincinnati Zoo is home to hundreds of cute animals, but the newest and cutest is Cookie the Penguin who loves to be tickled.
This slow loris seems to like it a bit too.

Kids react to Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen’s craziness is everywhere and a few people will even pay to see him on tour, but what do kids think? These youngsters dissect the former "Two and A Half Men" star ranting and raving.