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Candied bugs catching on in Australia

Candied bugs catching on in Australia

Candied bugs catching on in Australia.A bugs candy is new trend?
Australia have been feasting on bugs for centuries, and today it seems that bugs are becoming something of a mainstream  trend . This past year event"Father's Day" ,

one bug shop sold gift packs that included chocolate-covered bugs , insect lollipops , and chocolate chip mealworm cookies.

Mexico City mulls short-term marriage licenses

Mexico City mulls short-term marriage licenses. 

Mexico City mulls short-term marriage licenses. Mexico mulls 2-year short-term marriage licenses,Leftists in Mexico City are proposing reformation of the civil code so that couples can decide on the length of
their marriages before tying the knot. The minimum contract would be for two years and include provisions on children and property in case of a split.

Half of marriages in Mexico City end in divorce, and leftists claim these contracts would take the pain out of the process. The church, which is already angry with Mexico City’s legalization of gay marriage, calls the contract “absurd.”
Mexico City mulls short-term marriage licenses

Crocodile turns orange

Crocodile turns orange

Crocodile turns orange.A crocodile, named Snappy, in an Australian park suddenly turns bright orange . Officials say Snappy is perfectly healthy and his original color is expected to return eventually,

although they don't know when. 

Brad Pitt reveals odd phobia

Brad Pitt reveals odd phobia.

Brad Pitt reveals odd phobia. Brad Pitt has a odd phobia - he hates travelling backwards in his car.
The Hollywood icon has confessed he's obsessed with moving forwards in life and it has sparked an irrational fear of reversing in a vehicle or returning to his house if he forgets his keys.

Pitt tells Empire magazine, "If I'm walking out the door and I've forgotten something, I can't go back and get it. It is something in my nature. If I'm driving down the road and I miss a turn,

I have to keep going forward. I can't reverse. It's some kind of psychological defect.
"I don't know the reason why... But it's just that, for better or worse, I want to keep moving on. I don't like to go backwards. It's not what I'm good at."

Laughter good medicine for dementia?

Laughter good medicine for dementia?

Laughter good medicine for dementia? A new study in Australia suggests that laughter may be good medicine for elderly people with dementia. Researchers who

followed about 400 nursing home residents found that people who worked with a humor therapist seemed – you guessed it – happier.

Rosie O'Donnell taps Russell Brand for new show

Rosie O'Donnell taps Russell Brand for new show

Rosie O'Donnell taps Russell Brand for new show, Comedian Russell Brand, 36, is set to be the first guest on Rosie O'Donnell's, 49, new talk show on OWN.

"The Rosie Show" is said to be a daily talk show covering current events with live performances and a behind-the-scenes glimpse into O'Donnell's life

Parenthood makes you fatter?

Parenthood makes you fatter?

Parenthood makes you fatter? Parents are more likely to gain weight than people who have never had kids, according to a new study in Social Science and Medicine.

By age 55, parents had a body mass index of more than 30 the childless had BMIs of 25 to 29

Cops: millions in toothbrushes stolen

3 arrested for allegedly stealing oral hygiene products

Cops: millions in toothbrushes stolen, 3 arrested for allegedly stealing oral hygiene products. 3 people have been arrested and accused of stealing millions of dollars worth of oral hygiene products. During the investigation, one of the suspects allegedly

pawned more than $22,000 worth of stolen electronic toothbrushes and whitening strips. The pawn shop owner is accused of selling stolen goods.

Best cities for mustaches?

Best cities for mustaches?

Best cities for mustaches? Chicago heads the list of cities that are mustache-friendly, according to the American Mustache Institute. Bears

players who sport the facial hair are a key factor in the institute’s decision, said chairman Aaron Perlut.

Teacher punishes kid for saying 'Bless you'

Teacher punishes kid for saying 'bless you'

Teacher punishes kid for saying 'bless you', A California student was punished by his teacher for saying "bless you" to a sneezing classmate.

The teacher, Steve Cuckovich, says the punishment wasn't about religious beliefs, but about the disruption it caused. The school's principal says he talked with Cuckovich about the punishment.

Babysitters used toddler as decoy?

Baby sitters used toddler as decoy

Baby sitters used toddler as decoy, Two baby sitters were jailed in Indiana on felony theft charges after cops say they used a 2-year-old to hide alcohol in a shopping cart and left the store. Benjamin Sims, 27, and Danielle Howey, 26, allegedly

tried to steal DVDs in another store but were caught. The toddler’s mother, Nicole McCullough, went on a frantic search for her son.

PETA's shark attack ad sparks controversy

PETA's shark attack ad sparks controversy

PETA's shark attack ad sparks controversy, A new ad from PETA featuring a shark biting off a human leg has sparked outrage. PETA plans to display the ad near the site where Charles Wickersham was recently attacked by a bull shark in Florida. Wickersham's

mother says she believes the ad is over the top . PETA defends the ad by saying, "With the shark attack in the news, we thought it'd be a good time to remind people that sharks are not the world's biggest predator -- we are."

Trump casino offers $25K plastic surgery prize

Trump casino offers $25K plastic surgery prize 

Trump casino offers $25K plastic surgery prizeA Trump casino in Atlantic City says it will give the winner of a player's card contest $25,000

worth of plastic surgery. Find out when the prize will be awarded. The winner will be able to mix and match surgeries.

Famous October Birthdays

Famous October Birthdays

Famous October birthdays, In a world with nearly 7 billion people, chances are someone famous is celebrating their birthday this October.Check out these famous celebrities that will celebrate their birthdays this month.

Nick Cannon
Former host of MTV's hit "Wild 'N Out" Nick Cannon made a name for himself in television, movies and with several hit songs. He and his R&B diva wife welcomed twins in April.
Jimmy Carter
The 39th president, Jimmy Carter served a single term and was hurt politically by the Iran hostage crisis. Since he left office, he was awarded the Nobel Peace prize and founded the Carter Center with his wife, Rosalynn.
John Cleese
British actor John Cleese got his start with the offbeat comedy troupe Monty Python and starred in all four movies based on their show. On TV he also played the hotel manager Basil Fawlty in "Fawlty Towers" and the quirky Lyle Finster in the hit comedy "Will & Grace."
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Former first lady Hilary Rodham Clinton was a U.S. senator before becoming the current secretary of state  and made an unsuccessful run for the presidency. She published her autobiography in 2003, "Living History."
Simon Cowell
The so-called king of mean, Simon Cowell spent nine seasons on "American Idol" hurling insults at contestants and helping a few lucky winners realize their dreams. You can catch him on his new show to see if his sharp tongue still cuts as deep.
Joan Cusack
Joan Cusack built her successful career with memorable supporting roles, including several with her younger brother. Her unique voice was lent to Jessie the cowgirl in "Toy Story 2" and "Toy Story 3."
Brett Favre
Retirement flip-flopper Brett Favre spent 19 years as an NFL quarterback, most notably with the Green Bay Packers, before finally deciding to leave the league after the 2010 season.He has appeared in several commercials, a few poking fun at his on-again, off-again retirement plans.
Bill Gates
Billionaire Bill Gates co-founded Microsoft in 1976. An avid philanthropist, he created the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife and signed the Giving Pledge with fellow billionaires Warren Buffett and Mark Zuckerberg.

Nancy Grace
Tough as nails former prosecutor Nancy Grace reports on high-profile court cases on her legal and current events TV show, "Nancy Grace".Her coverage of the Casey Anthony trial earned high ratings.
Grant Hill
NBA All-Star Grant Hill plays for the Phoenix Suns and was part of the 1996 Olympic team that won gold in Atlanta. An avid African-American art collector, he sponsored an exhibition tour of his collection.
Evander Holyfield
Former heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield's 44 wins and career longevity earned him a nickname. He had part of his ear bitten off in one of his most famous fights.
Hugh Jackman
Australian actor Hugh Jackman is well known as an action star and as a romantic leading man.

He is a three-time Tony Awards host as well as an award winner
Alan Jackson
Country crooner Alan Jackson's traditional country sound has earned him a loyal following. His newly released collaboration on "As She's Walking Away" with the Zac Brown Band earned the pair a Grammy Award.
Kim Kardashian
Reality-TV star Kim Kardashian is best known for her involvement in her family's show, "Keeping up With the Kardashians," but she is involved in a variety of business interests, including her clothing and perfume lines. She married NBA star Kris Humphries in August.
Kevin Kline
Oscar-winning actor Kevin Kline has enjoyed a long career in a wide spectrum of movies, from "Sophie's Choice" to "Soapdish." He has two children with his wife, actress Phoebe Cates
John Krasinski
A star of the hit comedy "The Office", Jim Krasinski has appeared in "It's Complicated" and most recently "Something Borrowed." He married British actress Emily Blunt in 2010
Christopher Lloyd
Character actor Christopher Lloyd is best known for his role as Doc Brown in the "Back to the Future" trilogy and as Jim Ignatowski on "Taxi." He recently lent his unique voice to animated films such as "The Tale of Despereaux."
Penny Marshall
After securing fame with her iconic role as Laverne DeFazio on the hit television show "Laverne and Shirley," Penny Marshall turned to the opposite side of the camera. She is a successful director who has done blockbusters such as "A League of Their Own" and has been a producer on films such as "Cinderella Man."
John Mayer
Blues-rock singer John Mayer has produced numerous hit albums,

and his music  has earned him seven Grammy Awards. His high-profile romances and breakups have earned him a reputation as a womanizer.
Sharon Osbourne
Best known as the matriarch of the Osbourne family, Sharon Osbourne stepped into the spotlight with her family's reality show, "The Osbournes". She has become a permanent fixture on the small screen as a judge on the U.K.'s "The X Factor" and on "America's Got Talent," as well as a co-host on a popular daytime talk show
Clive Owen
British heartthrob Clive Owen impressed audiences with his string of supporting roles before cleaning up on the awards circuit for his leading role in "Closer." His new movie, "Intruders," debuted at the 2011 Toronto Film Festival. Watch the trailer.
Bristol Palin
The well-known daughter of former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin gained her own fame with her high-profile teenage pregnancy and subsequent work advocating teen abstinence. Her popularity rose with her third-place finish on "Dancing With the Stars"
Jane Pauley
Journalist Jane Pauley is best known as a former co-host on the "Today" show and "Dateline NBC." She went public with her battle with bipolar disorder in her autobiography and is involved with the Jane Pauley Community Health Program.
Katy Perry
Pop princess Katy Perry found fame with her first hit single and has stayed on top of the charts with the songs that followed . She married comedian Russell Brand in October 2010
Anne Rice
Gothic fiction writer Anne Rice is best known for her stories involving vampires, most notably in her "Vampire Chronicles" series. Though she no longer lives in her original hometown , the city is the background for many of her novels.
Kelly Ripa
"Live With Regis and Kelly" co-host Kelly Ripa met her husband while on the soap opera "All My Children." She and co-host Regis Philbin, who will soon leave the show, won a Daytime Emmy Award in June.
Winona Ryder
"Heathers" star Winona Ryder landed in a courtroom facing shoplifting charges in 2001. After a career hiatus, she made a successful return to the big screen in "Black Swan," which earned her a nomination for a Screen Actors Guild Award. Watch the trailer from her most recent film.
Elisabeth Shue
Oscar-nominated actress Elisabeth Shue made a name for herself in girl-next-door roles beginning with her breakout performance in "The Karate Kid." She is married to Academy Award-winning director Davis Guggenheim
Grace Slick
Rock icon Grace Slick was lead singer and one of the songwriters for Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship and Starship. She continues to work as an artist, but she's traded her singing and songwriting for a paintbrush
Margaret Thatcher
The United Kingdom's first female prime minister, Margaret Thatcher  earned her nickname for her tough stances against trade unions and the Soviet Union. She talks about her time in office in her autobiography, "The Downing Street Years"
R&B superstar and actor Usher is a seven-time Grammy Award winner and best-selling recording artist . He is part owner of an NBA team

Turkish morgue equipped for the living

Turkish morgue equipped for the living

Turkish morgue equipped for the living, A morgue Officials in a city in rural eastern Turkey, responding to an ancient local fear of being buried alive, have equipped the local morgue with the latest gadgetry in case any of the bodies stored there have been declared dead by mistake.

Alarms and electronic motion detectors in the mortuary in Malatya, a town not otherwise known for its modernity, will detect the slightest movement by a living person emerging from a coma or long period of unconsciousness.
The 36 refrigerators will be fitted with interior door handles to allow their occupants to climb out of their coffins and open the doors, Akif Kayadurmuş,

head of the municipal funerals service, told the state news agency Anatolia.
"The device detects even the slightest movement and sends out an alarm," Kayadurmuş said. "We also placed a system at the feet of the deceased that opens the refrigerator in case of contact. The resurrections may be rare, but we have taken every possibility into account."
The morgue, which is due to open this week, will also have a lounge, a cafe and digital information panels to allow mourners to follow the washing and wrapping of the dead in accordance with Islamic tradition.

Twitter users most happy in the morning

Twitter users most happy in the morning

Twitter users most happy in the morning,Happy Morning with Twitter, Twitter users around the world are the happiest in the mornings, according to a new study. Researchers used software to study millions of English-language tweets from Twitter users in 84 countries

and looked for the presence of positive words .Scientists say the study probably indicates that our circadian rhythms play a bigr role in our moods.

Study finds 'magic mushrooms' create personality changes

Study finds 'magic mushrooms' create personality changes
Study finds 'magic mushrooms' create personality changes.A single dose of 'magic mushrooms' can create presonality changes? Study finds A single dose of the hallucinogen psilocybin, the active ingredient in so-called "magic mushrooms,"

was enough to bring about a  personality change lasting at least a year in nearly 60 percent of the 51 participants in a new study, according to the Johns Hopkins researchers who conducted it.
Study finds 'magic mushrooms' create personality changes.

long jumper three minis

long jumper three minis

long jumper three minis, British long jump champion JJ Jegede has cleared three Minis in a break from his normal Olympic training schedule.

JJ jumped six metres over the roofs of the cars at the event at Potters Fields, London.
The 2011 English champion, who has just moved to Newcastle to continue his training, admitted he was relieved to have completed the feat, which was to launch the Mini London 2012 Edition Models.
It comes after a successful year for the Olympic hopeful in which he achieved a personal best of 8.04 metres.

Speaking about his training for the Olympics, JJ said: It's going really well. I had a really good season this year.he athlete, from Hackney, east London, said: "Laughter is the best way to relax, I watch films like Don't Mess With The Zohan and motivational films in the morning then listen to my music later on as I head down to the track.

Hosting the event, British Olympian Steve Backley said the feat may have given JJ an insight into the pressure he'll feel if he makes the team next year.

Regrets over magic bra trick

Regrets over magic bra trick

Regrets over magic bra trick, ABINGTON - The chairman of the Abington School Committee is Regrets over magic bra trick he performed before a televised meeting this week in which he appeared to tear the bra off a fellow committee member through her clothes.

The trick performed Tuesday by Russell Fitzgerald, an amateur magician known to open meetings with a little sleight of hand, was met with stunned silence.

The Enterprise of Brockton reports that Fitzgerald on Wednesday issued a written apology, saying he was sorry for the embarrassment he caused committee member Ellen Killian and his unwitting accomplice, teacher Steve Shannon. He added that he will no longer be performing tricks before meetings.Killian says she was shocked. The teachers’ union said in a statement that Shannon was unaware and it does not condone activities that cause embarrassment.