The X Factor' Recap: Thriller Wanted, 'X Factor' tribute to the King of Pop,

Love 'em or hate 'em (but we know you love 'em) one thing the Top 7 finalists achieved for sure this week, is they made the Jackson family and Michael Jackson fans quite proud. The proof is in the tweets! Take a look…

About the Michael Jackson theme…

@DMann0369: This is gonna be a HELL of a show tonight. Undeniable pressure for ALL contestants with Jackson family there! #XFACTORUSA

@ohhhfrancesca: @TheXFactorUSA what a great theme tonight! One of the most entertaining tributes towards MJ. I'm sure he's proud of all the contestants.

@hairgirl1966: @TheXFactorUSA God bless the Jackson family and a big thank you to them for sharing Michael with us! #Beatit

@amandajean9: That awkward moment when they forget the word 'family' RT @TMZ Michael Jackson's at X-Factor taping

@itsrozina: @TheXFactorUSA i'm so happy you're doing this Michael Jackson tribute. Paris, Prince, and Blanket are so beautiful :) RIP to the king.
Source: Xfactor usa