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Ann Curry birthplace

Ann Curry birthplaceAnn Curry birthplace - Ann Curry is an American television journalist. She grew up as an army brat, moving every few years, eventually graduating from the University of Oregon's School of Journalism in 1978. After interning, she became the first female news reporter for KGW in Portland....

Giada De Laurentiis Birthplace

Giada De Laurentiis BirthplaceGiada De Laurentiis Birthplace - The granddaughter of famed producer Dino De Laurentiis, Giada De Laurentiis was born on August 22, 1970, in Rome, Italy. She moved to the United States at the age of 7. Inheriting a passion for cooking,...

Warren Buffett Birthplace

Warren Buffett BirthplaceWarren Buffett Birthplace - Warren Buffett, Businessman and investor Warren Buffett was born on August 30,1930, in Omaha, Nebraska. Investing by age 11, Buffett was running a small business at 13. Buffett later started the firm Buffett Partnership in Omaha, with huge success....

Famous birthplaces

Famous birthplacesFamous birthplaces - Where were they born? Some say you can tell a lot about a person by where they came from. Maybe it's their accent or the way they dress, but many people can't hide their roots. Find out where some of our favorite famous people were bor...

strategic petroleum reserve

strategic petroleum reserve strategic petroleum reserve - “Every time oil has been diverted or taken from the [Strategic Petroleum Reserve] — one or the other or both — the price at the pump has gone down,” she told reporters. “But even if you don’t subscribe to that, that at least puts a question mark to the speculators that you might do this.” That’s the argument coming from thr...

flavor flav restaurants

flavor flav restaurants flavor flav restaurants - Flavor Flav chickens out of restaurant chain, Flavor Flav is getting out of the fried chicken business – and a potato salad is to blame. The Public Enemy MC has pulled out of a planned restaurant chain, citing mismanagement and the expiration date of his eatery's side-dishe...

huggies ad backlash

huggies ad backlash huggies ad backlash - Huggies Ad Backlash Sweeps Web As Angry Dads Protest A recent Huggies ad campaign has many fathers angry at what they say is a depiction of dads as “bumbling idiots” rather than active parent...

gallagher heart attack

gallagher heart attackgallagher heart attack - Comedian Gallagher recovering after heart attack, The comedian Gallagher is hospitalized in stable condition after suffering a heart attack at a North Dallas bar before going on stage for a sho...

anti-smoking campaign

anti-smoking campaignanti-smoking campaign - CDC launching graphic anti-smoking ad campaign, Tobacco taxes and smoking bans haven't budged the U.S. smoking rate in years. Now the government is trying to shock smokers into quitting with a graphic nationwide advertising campaig...

ides of march history

ides of march historyides of march history - Beware the Ides of March? A look at March 15 in history, Roman dictator Julius Caesar is assassinated by a group of Roman senators including Cassius and his friend Brutus. Caesar had been forewarned of the 'Ides of March.'I don't think...

Leah remini fired

Leah remini firedleah remini fired - Leah Remini fired from 'The Talk': Sharon Osbourne's fault, she says Leah Remini has remained mostly silent about her ouster from CBS' "The Talk" last summer. But she took to Twitter on Monday to reveal the suspected reason for her firing: Sharon Osbourn...

brown recluse most dangerous spider

brown recluse most dangerous spiderbrown recluse most dangerous spider - Brown Recluse Now The Most Dangerous Spider, Due to warming trends across the country increasing its population, the brown recluse spider has been called the most dangerous spider to humans in the United State...