brown recluse most dangerous spider
brown recluse most dangerous spider - Brown Recluse Now The Most Dangerous Spider, Due to warming trends across the country increasing its population, the brown recluse spider has been called the most dangerous spider to humans in the United States.The brown recluse is normally seen in central southern states, but now graduate student Erin Saupe of University of Kansas who conducted a study on the spider said, “a changing climate could make parts of Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Nebraska and South Dakota suitable for it by 2020. It’s not the amount of space that’s changing, but the area it covers.”
With the rise in population there is an increase with human interaction raising bite cases.
The spider who is also nicknamed the ‘violin spider’ is identifiable by its markings on the dorsal side of their cephalothorax, with a black line coming from it that looks like a violin with the neck of the violin pointing to the rear of the spider.
Usually the spiders are not aggressive and rarely bite. There was one documented case in Kansas where a family of four was removed from a home which saw over 2,000 brown recluse spiders collected. No one in the family was ever bitten.
Bites usually come when they are pressed flat against the skin, as if between an article of clothing and the skin or in gloves and shoes.
If bitten however, the sometimes deadly toxic venom can cause major problems. One being necrosis, which is the premature death of cells in living tissue caused by infection and toxin, resulting in something that resembles a flesh eating decease. The bite area could grow to several inches in diameter of dead tissue and can lead to amputations of body parts or more seriously death.
It was researched that 37% of all recluse bites result in necrosis.