All Saints' Day

All Saints' Day

All Saints' Day, In many cultures, All Saints' Day is overshadowed by Halloween. But there are many great saints to celebrate, from the popular to the obscure, and their life stories are riveting.

St. Anthony of Padua, All Saints' Day
He defied lineage to become a monk, and he held Jesus in his arms. He died returning to Padua, Italy, from a nearby hermitage.
St. Joan of ArcAll Saints' Day
She rose from humble beginnings to great admiration. She was condemned to death as a heretic, a sorceress and even this. She died a terrible death.
St. JudeAll Saints' Day
He was an apostle, following in his father's path, as well as a martyr.
St. Francis of AssisiAll Saints' Day
He was kind to animals and the environment. He died while singing.
St. John the ApostleAll Saints' Day
He was a prolific writer and lived a long life.
St. ValentineAll Saints' Day
"Valentine" was the name of several martyred saints. Little is known about him, except that he was buried on Feb. 14.
St. Martin de PorresAll Saints' Day
He led an austere life and experienced miracles, and has this distinction.
St. AgnesAll Saints' Day
She was a young  martyr and is commemorated by a certain animal.
St. AugustineAll Saints' Day
He is credited with formulating the Christian concepts of original sin and the just war.
St. Mary the EgyptianAll Saints' Day
She was a runaway misfit and miraculously converted at the end of her life.
St. FabiolaAll Saints' Day
She was a bigamist because she left an awful husband and married another man. She later refocused her life
St. OlgaAll Saints' Day
She was a Russian roya who murdered hundreds to avenge her husband's killing. Later in life, she was a pioneer convert.
St. Mary MagdaleneAll Saints' Day
She was a reformed woman depicted washing Jesus' feet. Some people speculate about their relationship.
St. AmbroseAll Saints' Day
He was one of the original "doctors" of the Catholic Church.
St. BonaventureAll Saints' Day
Of all the unusual saints, Bonaventure's sainthood is perhaps the most unusual. He was healed from childhood sickness by an aforementioned saint.
St. NicholasAll Saints' Day
Santa Claus, and much folklore, originated from his habits.
St. BrunoAll Saints' Day
He was a priest who eventually rejected religion and retreated to a mountain.
St. Dominic SavioAll Saints' Day
He died young while studying to be a priest.
St. Frances CabriniAll Saints' Day
She was also known by another name and was the first citizen from this country to be canonized by the Catholic Church.
St. Gregory the GreatAll Saints' Day
The former pope was well known for his writings, earning this second name.
St. BenedictAll Saints' Day
He lived in a cave in the side of cliff before working with monks. He's said to have had the power to perform miracles.
St. GeorgeAll Saints' Day
He was a Roman soldier and a priest before he was imprisoned and tortured
St. DymphnaAll Saints' Day
Her pagan father had great wealth and power but was said to suffer from mental illness. She died at his hand.
St. AnneAll Saints' Day
She was the mother of the Blessed Virgin and grandmother to the most important figure of the Bible.
St. ClareAll Saints' Day
The daughter of a count and countess and close friends with this saint, she suffered an illness for decades.
St. Peter ClaverAll Saints' Day
He spent decades working in a slave market in South America, laboring for the salvation of Africans.